Indian startup

TrichoGene- INDIA’S first Low cost-Affordable Minoxidil Response DNA Test (MRT)-Excellent Gift to all minoxidil users for hair loss treatment

Androgenic alopecia can be treated with topical minoxidil, which has been approved by the FDA. At present, topical minoxidil is the mainstay treatment for androgenetic alopecia as well as an off-label treatment for other hair loss conditions. However, minoxidil will work only in 50% of men and 40% of women and it takes 6-8 months to see the results. To see the results, one should wait until then. What is the alternative way to know the responsiveness of minoxidil? TrichoGene, INDIA founded by Dr M.Sai Babu and Rizwan Younus came up with the solution – Minoxidil Response DNA Test (MRT).


The Minoxidil Response DNA Test (MRT) helps patients know if they will respond to topical minoxidil for hair loss treatment. It works on the principle of pharmacogenetics is a field of research that studies how a person’s genes affect how he or she responds to medications. Its long-term goal is to help doctors select the drugs and doses best suited for each person. A simple buccal swab sample is enough to extract DNA and examine the role of genes involved in the metabolism of minoxidil. Minoxidil is a pro-drug, converted to its active form, minoxidil sulfate, by SULT1A1 enzymes located in the scalp.SULT1A1 gene variations may reduce the concentration of sulphotransferase enzyme. By detecting the expression levels we can asses the responsiveness of minoxidil.

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MRT test is available for a very affordable price, and it is very simple to collect samples. MRT is a boon to minoxidil users, they have no need to wait for 6-8 months to see whether minoxidil will work or not for hair loss treatment. Just in 7-14 days, we can deliver the report once we receive the sample said – TrichoGene founders. To avail MRT test one should register a kit from Trichogene and send samples to the lab. Once the report is ready you will be informed whether you are a responder or not to minoxidil treatment for hair loss. Based on the test results doctors will recommend precise and personalized treatment with good outcomes for hair loss.

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